The most dynamic, cutting edge Star Trek series produced to date. Every episode is "edge of your seat" entertainment. Production, direction and actor craft reaches above and beyond all prior franchise...
A review by ConradM
Written by ConradM on 6 / Apr / 2018
It's hard/impossible to find an online review of the full season. The full 15-episode Season 1 is available on Netflix here in Europe. Access in the USA is via other paid services, at least on initia...
A review by John Smith
Written by John Smith on 3 / Oct / 2018
Basically, the whole thing is a politically correct propaganda show. Everyone is an independent and capable woman. The only white male in a position of power is a single capitan, his with his flaws to...
A review by MovieGuys
Written by MovieGuys on 2 / Apr / 2019
The first season of Star Trek Discovery I can only describe as awful. Like the vacuum of space it was sucked dry of the warmth and sense of hope and optimism found in the wonderful 1990's series.
A review by Oduntola
Written by Oduntola on 4 / Jun / 2019
A brilliant example of current entertainment television! DSC is not only the best Star Trek to date, it represents the best of modern science fiction, period! Cinematic in scope, DSC is more imaginati...
A review by polkabike
Written by polkabike on 6 / Apr / 2022
This is Star Trek as people who thought Star Trek was stupid and didn't watch it imagined it to be. Cheap soap opera melodrama, unnecessary references to physicists, poor storytelling masquerading as ...
A review by YouShouldKnow
Written by YouShouldKnow on 1 / May / 2022
The problems this show deals with are pretty basic and surface level. The characters aren't complex but as usual driven by basic, human emotions despite supposedly being from other races and species.
A review by GenerationofSwine
Written by GenerationofSwine on 7 / Jan / 2023
For starters it's dark...and that's really NOT Star Trek. Star Trek is optimistic and light even when it goes a little gritty. It's supposed to be an optimistic future where Earth strives for a Utopia...