Catalan (ca-ES)
Winifred Vera Emily Harris (Kew, Surrey, 17 de març de 1880 - Evanston, Illinois, 18 d’abril de 1972) va ser una actriu britànica amb una carrera important als Estats Units. Va aparèixer a les obres de teatre de Nova York a partir de 1914 i va actuar en nombroses obres de teatre fins a 1934.
Winifred Vera Emily Harris (Kew, Surrey, 17 de març de 1880 - Evanston, Illinois, 18 d’abril de 1972) va ser una actriu britànica amb una carrera important als Estats Units. Va aparèixer a les obres de teatre de Nova York a partir de 1914 i va actuar en nombroses obres de teatre fins a 1934.
English (en-US)
Winifred Harris
Winifred Vera Emily Harris (17 March 1880 – 18 April 1972) was a British actress with a substantial career in America. She appeared in New York plays beginning in 1914 and acted in numerous plays up to 1934. She left Broadway plays for films though she had begun her film career during the silent era.
Winifred Harris
Winifred Vera Emily Harris (17 March 1880 – 18 April 1972) was a British actress with a substantial career in America. She appeared in New York plays beginning in 1914 and acted in numerous plays up to 1934. She left Broadway plays for films though she had begun her film career during the silent era.