“You can’t handle the truth!”
RELEASED IN 1992 and directed by Rob Reiner, "A Few Good Men” is a military drama about a smart-axx young Navy Lawyer (Tom Cruise) who’s never seen a courtroom becaus...
A review by CinemaSerf
Written by CinemaSerf on 2 / Jul / 2022
I think this my favourite outing for Tom Cruise. He is the cocky young navy lawyer "Kaffee", who usually plea-bargains and as yet has never seen the inside of a courtroom. Surprisingly, he is drafted ...
A review by crastana
Written by crastana on 2 / Jul / 2022
Another good all stars ensemble movie were everything is perfect, the actors and the script.
A greate court room drama. Having an enjoyable time of entertaining nobody needs bright colors and super...
A review by GenerationofSwine
Written by GenerationofSwine on 5 / Jan / 2023
I've actually been in a military court room a couple of times... not because I ever served, not because I was testifying or charged with anything... but mainly because historian. Sure, the court wasn'...
A review by Filipe Manuel Neto
Written by Filipe Manuel Neto on 4 / Nov / 2023
**An excellent film, which deserves the time we can give it, but which has a group of poorly conceived characters and a terrible protagonist.**
Personally, I really like courtroom dramas, it's a ge...