I know this one has a decent fanbase (both of the novel and movie) but as someone who never read the novel, this first viewing, I found it to be... okay. I can appreciate some of the effects both prac...
A review by badelf
Written by badelf on 2 / Nov / 2021
I read Frank Herbert's book, _Dune_, when I was in high school and really don't remember it much except that it was great and a little scary. At that age, I probably didn't get the subtext message.
A review by Filipe Manuel Neto
Written by Filipe Manuel Neto on 2 / Oct / 2022
**It deserves to be forgotten.**
I don't read the book on which this film is based, I've never seen it for sale, I have doubts if it will exist in Portuguese bookstores. I'm not particularly fond o...