Mr. & Mrs. Smith explodes with flaming chemistry but assassinated its own script. “Brangelina”. Without Liman’s standard action comedy, we wouldn’t have had the power couple that dominated the tabloid...
A review by tmdb15435519
Written by tmdb15435519 on 5 / Apr / 2021
Average performances, average script. What did you expect?...
A review by JPV852
Written by JPV852 on 5 / Apr / 2022
Been a long time since I last watched this and while not great, was certainly entertaining thanks to the charisma and chemistry between Pitt and Jolie and the action from director Doug Liman was well ...
A review by The Movie Mob
Written by The Movie Mob on 7 / Jan / 2023
**Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s experienced director and cast make it the peak of the spy versus spy romantic comedy genre.**
Mr. & Mrs. Smith shares a similar romantic spy versus spy plot as movies like This...
A review by Rob
Written by Rob on 1 / May / 2023
This is another one of those greatly nuanced movies people just don't get. Viewers are expecting another run-of-the-mill action film so that's all they look for, and in doing that they miss so much mo...
A review by Andre Gonzales
Written by Andre Gonzales on 4 / Jul / 2023
Awesome movie, and lots of action. I love how they try to hide that their in the same occupation from each other. Until they both end up going for the same person then things start to change....
A review by Makapl
Written by Makapl on 3 / Aug / 2024
The movie is a **parody** to action-spy movies. It is not about the action, but rather about the characters.
The character interactions and relationships are perfect. There are so many little details...