“In the Tall Grass” is a Netflix film based on a short story/novella written by Stephen King and his son Joe Hill. A little disclosure that I have not read the original story, so I can’t attest as to ...
A review by The Movie Diorama
Written by The Movie Diorama on 5 / Jan / 2020
In The Tall Grass is overgrown with flimsy dialogue and a premise that needed landscaping. Stephen King seems to have an endless amount of material to adapt. So much so, that his son is mimicking the ...
A review by Gimly
Written by Gimly on 6 / Jan / 2020
Patrick Wilson is just all-out balls-to-the-wall hamming it crazy, and I am Here. For. That. I say that quite genuinely. But Stephen King adaptations have had quite the resurgence (in a good way) over...