How bizarre is it that the only _Leprechaun_ movie that has any sort of continuity to the original, is also the only one that doesn't have the same actor playing the titular leprechaun. This one's act...
A review by Per Gunnar Jonsson
Written by Per Gunnar Jonsson on 3 / Mar / 2022
Since I’m on sick leave recovering from surgery I had last week and pretty immobile not to mention bored as hell I’ve of course been using up a fair amount of streaming bandwidth. The more bored, the ...
A review by GenerationofSwine
Written by GenerationofSwine on 5 / Jan / 2023
I guess the jokes didn't land so... It doesn't really feel like part of the franchise when it doesn't have that mix of absurd humor and horror.
It felt almost cute and not ridiculous and I left it ...