If you’re looking for a zombie film with a little more meat on the bone, look elsewhere; however, if you’re after a heartwarming 94 minutes that just so happens to involve zombie decapitation, ‘Little...
A review by Stephen Campbell
Written by Stephen Campbell on 4 / Nov / 2019
_**Consistently funny and very heart-felt, anchored by yet another superb Lupita Nyong'o performance**_
>_Zombies weren't the catalyst. The catalyst was my son, and my son's first year of kindergar...
A review by Gimly
Written by Gimly on 4 / Dec / 2019
_Little Monsters_ was pretty good, but there's one glaring issue I found with it. The funniest bits in the movie (which for a comedy basically reads as: "best") all happen **before** there's any actua...
A review by Nathan
Written by Nathan on 5 / Jun / 2022
Little Monsters is an interesting twist on the tired and overplayed zombie genre that has crowded Hollywood in recent years. How a movie about a zombie invasion threatening kids can have such humor an...