‘Official Secrets’ is an odd duck of a film. As much as it never quite finds its groove, it’s still an often thrilling and genuinely entertaining film, profiling an important figure in the movement ag...
A review by The Movie Diorama
Written by The Movie Diorama on 6 / Jan / 2020
Official Secrets leaks its thrills and political deceit through an accurate whistleblowing docudrama. Governments. A democratic selection of individuals to govern a nation with the public’s best inter...
A review by r96sk
Written by r96sk on 1 / Sep / 2024
Engrossing! <em>'Official Secrets'</em> is terrific.
How about that cast list? So many recognizable (or recognisable, for those using spell check...) faces appear throughout. Keira Knightley's perf...