Putting Roy on a space station might sound like a bad idea, but making this movie was even worse. The Cloverfield Paradox is a rushed copy/paste job with not enough time to glue the events together. A...
A review by tmdb15214618
Written by tmdb15214618 on 3 / Feb / 2018
It's fine sci-fi schlock. There's a likable cast, a few tense body horror moments, and an interesting idea with a disembodied arm. The mostly generic hodge podge of a script doesn't live up to the pot...
A review by ConradM
Written by ConradM on 4 / Apr / 2018
Like Prometheus in 2012, this was a serious disappointment. The characters' decisions are bizarre, motivations are unexplained. The science is bogus. The horror elements are not horrifying. The whole ...