***Evils of the past and the problems with vigilante justice***
Released in 2003 and directed by Clint Eastwood, “Mystic River” tells the story of three men from a working class neighborhood in Bos...
A review by The Movie Diorama
Written by The Movie Diorama on 5 / Jan / 2020
Mystic River continuously outflows its poignant crime investigation through a meticulously gritty screenplay. The past haunts us. Experiences and encounters, grossly susceptible and an impressionably ...
A review by r96sk
Written by r96sk on 3 / Feb / 2022
I'm not fully sold on the ending, though it isn't anything less than good either way, but the rest of <em>'Mystic River'</em> is quality. The cast are superb, whether that be the main tr...