Mistress America is a good depict of that character which is like a bonfire (using the same words Tracy use at the end of the picture), which attracts insects with its light only to be burnt and which...
A review by Reno
Written by Reno on 2 / Apr / 2016
> A sudden sparkling change in a moody life.
The second collaboration between the director and Greta Gerwig. I just love their works, together they write awesome story and create a cinematic magic....
A review by beyondthecineramadome
Written by beyondthecineramadome on 2 / Jun / 2022
Full review: <a>https://www.tinakakadelis.com/beyond-the-cinerama-dome/2021/12/28/the-last-cowboy-mistress-americanbspreview<a>
Before there was _Lady Bird_, there was _Mistress America_. And despi...