A great idea for a movie developed in a witty script. Well done and with a decent cast.
Perfect for being played also in the theaters or watched under the blanket at home....
A review by furious_iz
Written by furious_iz on 3 / Feb / 2018
Maybe that statement is a little facetious, but I feel it is true. I read **_AMAZING_** reviews for this film. I went in with high hopes, expecting a well acted, thoughtfu...
A review by Hossein
Written by Hossein on 5 / Dec / 2020
I'd like to invite you to **believe the hype**. This movie is very well written and simply great. Keeps you at the edge of your seat and doesn't fail to amaze you till its very last second....
A review by RalphRahal
Written by RalphRahal on 3 / Dec / 2024
The Man From Earth is a rare gem in indie filmmaking, a movie that relies solely on its thought-provoking writing and concept rather than flashy visuals or high-budget effects. Directed by Richard Sch...