Fantastic story given a quite smashing adaptation.
Every once in a while, when Hollywood is stuck for new swashbuckling ideas, they turn to the writer of "The Three Musketeers", "The Man In The I...
A review by CinemaSerf
Written by CinemaSerf on 4 / Jun / 2022
Jim Caviezel is adequate, no better, as the wronged "Edmond" who gets caught up in a Napoleonic conspiracy that sees him confined on a remote island prison from which no-one escapes alive. His situati...
A review by GenerationofSwine
Written by GenerationofSwine on 5 / Jan / 2023
Well, it's not one quality... but I like to do a thumbs up or thumbs down approach. If the movie entertains a thumbs up, if it doesn't a thumbs down. Seems simpler than debating on a 4, a 5, a 6, what...