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Season 1 Episode 12
0.05 / Jan / 1958•m
Loco,Mike and Greta are going into the elevator.A Man enters the elevator and speaks with the Elevator Man.After The Man leaves the elevator.The Elevator Man tells The Girls That The Man is Mr Paul Winthrop,A Wealthy Millionaire who is single and leaves the building at 5 o clock in the morning and watches the birds in Central Park.Mike says she wonders if Mr Winthrop would be interested in a nest full of chickedees in the building.She doesn't mean birds she means the girls.Mike Tells The Girls they have to find a way to Meet That Winthrop Fellow without making it seem like they are going after him.Loco tells Mike they could throw a rock through his window and their lawyers could introduce them.Mike says Loco Please.Mike tells the Girls that A Man is always interested in a girl who has the same interests as he does.Greta Tells Mike They Do Have The Same interests....His Money.Mike Says No She means The Birds.Loco Asks Mike How Are They Going To Be introduced To Each Other By A Bird.Mike
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